
to Auberge des Sources

In the little mountain town of "Chateau-lambert", Léna and Adrien receive you for lunch, dinner or during the afternoon for a drink and snack. After visit of two local museums or after walking or biking, the restaurant is an ideal place to eat vosgian specialites like munster cheese, smocked pork or blueberry pies!

Marsch - April : Frog's legs time!

Why do we eat frog legs in the spring?

Formerly, on the « Plateau des 1000 Étangs » life was rough. At the end of winter, the Haut-Saônois peasant who lived there, fed on what he had left in reserve and with what nature offered him in spring. On his plate was a salad of dandelions with smoked ham, potatoes and frogs, which were found in abundance around the ponds. This is why, in March and April, the Auberge des Sources continues the tradition!

Opening days

The restaurant is open from monday to friday for lunch.

To Pay:

Bank card or cash accepted



Pavé de Veau

Veal steack

Echine fumée, tofailles

Smocked pork, vosgian potatoes

Bière locales

Local beers

Tarte aux Brimbelles

Blueberrys pie

Pain gourmand

Special bread

Terrasse en hiver


Mentions Légales